Lift and Controller Products Ltd

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Lift & Controller Products Ltd

UK Sole Agent

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 777580

+44 (0) 1425 655503

Tel: +44 (0) 1962 777580

+44 (0) 1425 655503

Setronic Spare Parts

AS01 – Replaces the B12A

B12E Transformer 

CS4 replaces the CS1

Rectifier PCB


SA01 –  DR and SR pencil switches SPB22.5MTS1

SA02 – FSB2 2MT Bi Stable

SE06 – C&D Proximity FMAISI & FMA6S3


STK-B Main Board 


STK2-M RC card

STK1-B & STK1-B Rev02 Main Board

STK2-PM Programming Board

STK1-E Extension Board